Möbliertes Zimmer, Helsinki

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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Sa Sep 26, 2009 1:46 pm

Möbliertes Zimmer, Helsinki

Beitrag von roomy »

Sorry for not writing auf Deutsch (even if I can understand it a bit)

We have some furnished rooms in Northern Helsinki, which we rent for those who are coming to live in Helsinki only for some months. Our rooms are furnished and equipped so that it is easy to move in with only personal things with. Our tenants have been Erasmus exchange students, PhD students, interns, sprach assistents at Uni etc. 2-3 room shared flats are for females only. A studio and rooms upstairs in our onefamilyhouse can also be rented by a couple or two friends. No smoking, no pets, no deposits. Written fixed term rental agreements.

Take a look at pics, availability and more info at at www.kolumbus.fi/rooms and feel free to ask what you need to know using email address on that site.
Beiträge: 1662
Registriert: Mo Okt 02, 2006 4:07 pm
Wohnort: Uusimaa Träskända

Re: Möbliertes Zimmer, Helsinki

Beitrag von roelli »

roomy hat geschrieben:... etc. 2-3 room shared flats are for females only.
Ihr solltet aufpassen das ihr keine Anzeige wegen Diskriminierung bekommt.

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Sa Sep 26, 2009 1:46 pm

Re: Möbliertes Zimmer, Helsinki

Beitrag von roomy »

"Tasa-arvolain tai direktiivin syrjinnän kieltoa ei sovelleta yksityishenkilöiden välisiin asunnon myynteihin tai vuokrauksiin. " I'm just a private landlord. So if I understand right what is said above, I'm allowed to rent my flat privately e.g. for females only if I wish.