KELA - Das sollte alle Fragen beantworten
Verfasst: Mi Jul 25, 2012 1:46 pm
ich habe über meinen Freund eine Anfrage bei der Kela gestartet, unter welchen Voraussetzungen man dort reinkommt und welche Ansprüche man als Zugezogene/r hat. Ich denke, dass damit alle weiteren Fragen beantwortet sein sollten und somit vielleicht auch nicht immer wieder neue Postings mit Fragen zur Kela bzw. Krankenversicherung aufkommen werden.
Eins vorab für die, die sich über die Krankenversicherung bzw. einen Arztbesuch informieren möchten:
Wer sich in Finnland als vorübergehender Einwohner registriert, ist berechtigt, das "terveyskeskus" (Gesundheitszentrum) zu besuchen. Fällig wird dabei eine Art Praxisgebühr wie in Deutschland. Man kann dort also ohne Kela-Karte hingehen.
Hier nun die Antort der Kela-Mitarbeiterin. Aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen lasse ich den Namen der Dame weg.
Dear Silke,
Thank you for your message. I'll do my best to answer your questions.
1. Kela-card is given to people who are covered under Finnish National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme.
As a rule, all permanent residents of Finland are covered under the NHI scheme. Permanent residence means that you are domiciled and spend most of your time in Finland. Employees and self-employed people are typically covered under the NHI system as soon as they start employment or self-employment provided that it will last at least 4 months, or as soon as they have been self-employed in Finland for at least 4 months (regardless of whether they live in Finland).
When moving to Finland, you will normally be covered by the Finnish social security system if you intend to move here permanently. Indications of a permanent move are, for example, return migration to Finland, employment in Finland lasting at least 2 years, and a marriage or other close familial relationship with a person permanently residing in Finland.
More about Moving to Finland and how to claim: ... enDocument
2. You can get Finnish child benefit as soon as you and your children move to Finland and get local social security. Then you should fill in the application and attach a
document from Germany that shows the information that your child benefit payments from Germany have been ended. Also you can ask there for form E 104 for your self
and for children as well.
3. If you intend to move to Finland permanently, you will normally be covered by the Finnish social security system and will qualify for Kela benefits as soon as you move to
4. If you can not be insured on any basis you won't get any benefits from Kela.
5. General Housing Allowance - you have to be insured first. Allowance is decided on the basis of total income of the residents. You can find further information from: ... enDocument
6. As pointed out in no.1 - marriage (with person who is permanently residing in Finland ) is one indication of a permanent move to Finland and gives you right to be insured
as a family member from the day you get married. That is incase you are not working in Finland prior to the marriage, then you get ss. Because of your employment. Furthermore, if you are not working and are not married, then on the basis of open marriage, you can apply for social security (under family ties) after 6 months of living together with your partner.
Best regards,
Kela / Fpa
Vantaan-Porvoon kansainvälinen yksikkö
Internationella enheten Vanda-Borgå
Asioi jonottamatta Kelassa
ich habe über meinen Freund eine Anfrage bei der Kela gestartet, unter welchen Voraussetzungen man dort reinkommt und welche Ansprüche man als Zugezogene/r hat. Ich denke, dass damit alle weiteren Fragen beantwortet sein sollten und somit vielleicht auch nicht immer wieder neue Postings mit Fragen zur Kela bzw. Krankenversicherung aufkommen werden.
Eins vorab für die, die sich über die Krankenversicherung bzw. einen Arztbesuch informieren möchten:
Wer sich in Finnland als vorübergehender Einwohner registriert, ist berechtigt, das "terveyskeskus" (Gesundheitszentrum) zu besuchen. Fällig wird dabei eine Art Praxisgebühr wie in Deutschland. Man kann dort also ohne Kela-Karte hingehen.
Hier nun die Antort der Kela-Mitarbeiterin. Aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen lasse ich den Namen der Dame weg.
Dear Silke,
Thank you for your message. I'll do my best to answer your questions.
1. Kela-card is given to people who are covered under Finnish National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme.
As a rule, all permanent residents of Finland are covered under the NHI scheme. Permanent residence means that you are domiciled and spend most of your time in Finland. Employees and self-employed people are typically covered under the NHI system as soon as they start employment or self-employment provided that it will last at least 4 months, or as soon as they have been self-employed in Finland for at least 4 months (regardless of whether they live in Finland).
When moving to Finland, you will normally be covered by the Finnish social security system if you intend to move here permanently. Indications of a permanent move are, for example, return migration to Finland, employment in Finland lasting at least 2 years, and a marriage or other close familial relationship with a person permanently residing in Finland.
More about Moving to Finland and how to claim: ... enDocument
2. You can get Finnish child benefit as soon as you and your children move to Finland and get local social security. Then you should fill in the application and attach a
document from Germany that shows the information that your child benefit payments from Germany have been ended. Also you can ask there for form E 104 for your self
and for children as well.
3. If you intend to move to Finland permanently, you will normally be covered by the Finnish social security system and will qualify for Kela benefits as soon as you move to
4. If you can not be insured on any basis you won't get any benefits from Kela.
5. General Housing Allowance - you have to be insured first. Allowance is decided on the basis of total income of the residents. You can find further information from: ... enDocument
6. As pointed out in no.1 - marriage (with person who is permanently residing in Finland ) is one indication of a permanent move to Finland and gives you right to be insured
as a family member from the day you get married. That is incase you are not working in Finland prior to the marriage, then you get ss. Because of your employment. Furthermore, if you are not working and are not married, then on the basis of open marriage, you can apply for social security (under family ties) after 6 months of living together with your partner.
Best regards,
Kela / Fpa
Vantaan-Porvoon kansainvälinen yksikkö
Internationella enheten Vanda-Borgå
Asioi jonottamatta Kelassa