Finnische Autoren/Literatur

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Beiträge: 846
Registriert: Mi Okt 04, 2006 5:35 pm
Wohnort: Turku

Finnische Autoren/Literatur

Beitrag von Antje »

verschoben in die "richtigere" Kategorie Sport und Freizeit.
Zuletzt geändert von Antje am Mo Nov 13, 2006 11:41 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Home is where the heart is.
Beiträge: 1662
Registriert: Mo Okt 02, 2006 4:07 pm
Wohnort: Uusimaa Träskända

Re: Finnische Autoren/Literatur

Beitrag von roelli »

Antje hat geschrieben: Auf histor. Romane steh ich so gar nicht...
Wie wäre es mit etwas Zeitgeschehen?
Isän ja lapsen pakomatka/The Nordic Run
A Finnish mathematician loses his daughter when his wife falls under the influence of a militant feminist group and kidnaps their three-year-old child.
After a month’s disappearance, the father gets his daughter back and begins a two year run from the government, the police force and an extremely powerful feminist group.

The author writes about his own true life drama that took him from Helsinki to Lapland, from Sweden to Spain and Nicaragua, from San Pedro Sula to Tangiers and Singapore, from the Philippines to Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Along the way, Interpol is brought in, Finnish district courts fabricate undocumented evidence and overseas Finnish feminist-aid workers are ordered to mobilize.

THE NORDIC RUN is a battle of individual morality against a Nordic feminist-leaning political machine. It’s the story of the relationship between a loving father and his daughter, his conscience and his heart and the role of men in today's feminist Northern Europe.

The first six pages of THE NORDIC RUN can be dowloaded FREE OF CHARGE when you press the text "Katso demo".
Jussi K. Niemelä & Osmo Tammisalo: Keisarinnan uudet (v)aatteet - Naistutkimus luonnontieteen näkökulmasta (Terra Cognita 2006)
u.a. hier wird darüber diskutiert. ... 59&start=0