Oulu: Finnish Language Basic Course 4

Beiträge auf Finnisch, Verständnis- und Übersetzungsfragen
Beiträge: 1303
Registriert: So Jan 07, 2007 11:58 am
Xing: existiert
Wohnort: Oulu

Oulu: Finnish Language Basic Course 4

Beitrag von vole04 »

Finnish Language Basic Course 4 (30 h)

Time: 14 March?14 April 2011, Mondays and Thursdays at 18.00?20.30

Place: Oulu, the participants will be informed by a letter or email

Target group: Students who have completed Basic Courses 1?3 or who have
equivalent skills; the course is appropriate also to those wanting to
revise what they have learnt earlier

Teacher: Anne Palokangas, B.A.

Anne has a long experience in teaching different kinds of courses in
Finnish as a foreign language. Her special areas of interest are different
cultures and international and social activities.

Contents: Deepening the basic practical skills of Finnish. In addition to
Finnish, other languages will be used as an aid whenever possible. The
students are advised to spend about two hours per day on studying at home.

Teaching materials: Textbook ?Hyvin menee!? and a dictionary, both of
which the student must bring along when coming to the course. The main
points of chapters 19?24 in the textbook will be studied on the course.

Price: FREE OF CHARGE (funded by the National Board of Education); the
students are expected to acquire and pay for the books and equipment

Registration: By the 7th of March at the office of Pohjois-Pohjanmaan
kesäyliopisto, kesayo@pohjois-pohjanmaa.fi
tel + 358 8 321 4073, + 358 8 321 4075

When registrating, we would like to know
- your native language
- which other languages you can speak
- your email and home address

You are warmly wellcome!

Eija Raatikainen
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto
(Kauppurienkatu 8 B II krs)
Puhelin 08 321 4071
Faksi 08 370 180
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Oulu/Pohj ... 8783037580
Man soll bei allem was man tut immer man selbst bleiben.
Beiträge: 3662
Registriert: Do Dez 21, 2006 11:36 pm
Wohnort: Helsinki

Re: Oulu: Finnish Language Basic Course 4

Beitrag von fax »

Da es sich um keinen Onlinekurs handelt, habe ich es hiervon abgetrennt: http://www.saksalaiset.fi/forum/viewtop ... =19&t=4391
Beiträge: 1303
Registriert: So Jan 07, 2007 11:58 am
Xing: existiert
Wohnort: Oulu

Re: Oulu: Finnish Language Basic Course 4

Beitrag von vole04 »

fax hat geschrieben:Da es sich um keinen Onlinekurs handelt, habe ich es hiervon abgetrennt: http://www.saksalaiset.fi/forum/viewtop ... =19&t=4391
Danke, bin erst nach dem Eintrag auf die Idee gekommen es auch in Oulu einzustellen und habe den alten Eintrag dann trotzdem stehen lassen.
Man soll bei allem was man tut immer man selbst bleiben.